Ingredients: ortilia herb (orthilia secunda herba) 1 part, rhodiola tetramerous root (rhodiola quadrifida rhizome cum radicibus) 1 part, common sage leaves (salvia officinalis folium) 2 parts, chamomile flowers (chamomillae recutita flores) 2 parts, linden flowers (tiliae flores) 1 part, elephants ears root (bergenia rhizome cum radicibus) 1 part.
Indications: it recommended as a food supplements for women – an additional source of flavonoids, tannins and salidroside.
Can be used for preventative and comprehensive treatment of: mastitis, uterine fibroids, erosions, cysts, endometriosis; painful and irregular menstruation cycles; tumors of different etiology; activation of enzymatic systems and redox processes in the body; enhance the synthesis of hormones and tissue generation; attenuation of inflammatory processes.
Contradictions: increased sensitivity to ingredients, pregnancy or breast feeding. Consult a doctor before using. Do not use together with medicines.
Instructions for use: put 5-6 grams (1 table spoon) of herbal preparation in a dishware; pour 200ml (1 cup) of boiled water. Infuse it for 15 minutes. Afterwards, filter the infusion. Drain the water from the raw materials. Fill the tincture with boiled water up to 200 ml.
Dosage: have a 1/2 cup of warm tincture 3 times a day 30 minutes at mealtimes. Duration of administration – 1 month. f necessary repeat the course after 1-2 months.
Storage: store in original package at a temperature not more than 25°С and keep out of reach of children. The prepared infusion store in a refrigerator (at a temperature of 8-15°C) no more than 2 days.
Expiration time: 2 years.